Learn from the industry pros on critical components for successful extraction processing systems

"This guide is designed to inform extraction buyers and connect them with the best techniques, products and services to accelerate their businesses."


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© 2011-2021 by MJBizDaily, a division of Anne Holland Ventures Inc.

Laura Drotleff

A handy guide on what to know and ask when purchasing equipment

Cannabis Extractors Buyers Checklist

Special sections – featured inside!

Beyond the Price Tag – Planning for Costs

It's critical to calculate operating expenses including maintenance and repair, solvent prices and energy use when evaluating equipment

Cannabis Extraction Glossary of Terms

What is chromatography? Download the guide for definitions of technical jargon unique to cannabis extraction

In cannabis, there aren't a lot of set rules and standards, so many processors and extractors have developed their own. The MJBizDaily Buyers Guide breaks down terms, equipment, and processes involved to inform buyers.

What do the experts say? Read our exclusive guide for strategies and tips from expert processors on choosing cannabis extraction systems, costs, safety precautions and more.

MJBizDaily Buyers Guide

A FREE resource from MJBiz, breaking down the complexities of cannabis extraction

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Evolution of Extraction

Get advice from processing experts

How to choose between solvent-based and solventless extraction methods

Learn which varieties are most efficient for each extraction process

Tips on safety precautions from design to training to protective equipment

Solvents Solved

Efficient Strains

Safety Check

Consumers are becoming better educated about the differences in extraction, and it is important for manufacturers to communicate clearly about how their products are made.

JD Garrick
Managing Partner, Illuminated Extractors

E X P E R T  T I P