Learn from the industry pros on critical components for building and operating a successful cannabis greenhouse

"When it comes to greenhouses, think long-term. Getting it right the first time can mean savings down the road when it's time to scale your business."


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© 2011-2021 by MJBizDaily, a division of Anne Holland Ventures Inc.

Laura Drotleff

A handy guide on what to know and what to ask when planning a greenhouse and purchasing components.

Cannabis Greenhouse Buyers Checklist

Special sections – featured inside!

Pros & Cons of Common Cannabis Benching Systems

Help weigh out the best choice for your greenhouse benching system with this overview of pros and cons.

Cannabis Greenhouse Glossary of Terms

What is Evaportranspiration? Download the guide to find out and learn more technical jargon unique to greenhouse and the cannabis industry.

Developing an ideal environment for high-value cannabis production can be full of obstacles, from zoning all the way through the construction. Choosing which components will aid in efficiently producing a top-quality cannabis crop is complex and mistakes can be costly.

What do the experts say? Read our exclusive guide for strategies and tips from experts on irrigation, benching systems, greenhouse automation and much more.

MJBizDaily Buyers Guide
G R E E N H O U S E 

A FREE resource from MJBiz, providing insights for building and outfitting an optimal cannabis greenhouse.

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Avoid growing pains

Get advice from greenhouse experts

Navigate the complexities of designing and installing an effective irrigation system.

How a good greenhouse environment control system boosts yields.

What considerations are critical for implementing a profitable greenhouse.




Consider water quality before purchasing property. Your water source is what delivers everything to your plants and should be a primary consideration.

Kurt Becker
Executive Vice President, Dramm Corp.

E X P E R T  T I P